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El Sereif is the name of the smallest refugee camp supported by humedica in South Darfur. Around 14 000 people live in this camp alone, 3 900 of them children. In the targeted care of the little ones humedica is now being supported by the partner organization Children First Onlus from Italy.
The children have already been through a lot in their brief lives. But they in particular should not be left without hope for a better future. For this reason, one of the main points of emphasis of the relief work provided by humedica and Children First is laid on the needs of children.
In the past months, a number of schools were refurbished and built within the camp, but also outside it. Since March, aid has turned its attention to the even younger ones.
When you open the door to the kindergarden in the El Sereif camp, you are met by the loud laughter of children and a hum of voices emanating from the rooms. Divided according to age and capabilities, there are at the moment 280 children here, distributed across five rooms.
They all come from families that were forced to flee from the fall-out of the civil war. For the time being, El Sereif is their home. The number of children at kindergarden age living here at present is, of course, much higher, but already now the rooms are full to bursting.
In order to protect the children from the incessant sand, dust and wind, the wooden walls of the kindergarten have been additionally sealed by erecting bamboo mats. All material used for construction is of local origin. The same goes for the three female teachers who are doing their best to calm the clamour of voices.
What it means to teach under conditions such as these is difficult to describe. The teachers have only very few education materials to resort to, the groups are at the moment also far too large to give attention to individual children. Our three teachers don't let on the pressure they are under, fully committed as they are in trying to teach older children to read and write.
Even the smallest success motivates. Early teaching is however not the only reason why humedica has decided to build this kindergarten, for which, with Children First, it now has a competent partner at its side. The facility provides, above all, the opportunity to have the children checked in the neighbouring humedica clinic.
In addition, the children receive small daily bread rations - for many of them the only meal of the day. The subject 'hygiene' is also on the pre-school children's time-table, because already the small ones have to learn how important it is to wash hands regularly.
Dear friends and sponsors, dear visitors: Thousands of people in Sudan desperately need our help. Unfortunately, the situation in the country has gone from bad to worse. Please support our various efforts in the refugee camps with a specific donation.
humedica e. V.
Code "Sudan"
Account 47 47
BLZ 734 500 00
Sparkasse Kaufbeuren
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